Qu’est-ce que vous avez préparé pour aujourd’hui? Rien Rien??!!! … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

The teacher is asking the student ... If you learnt the lesson, but the student has to admit that he did not did it.
As philosophy ... i have a simple theory that i want to implement in my real life.
I tried to become an observer of everything happens around me, but also to me.
I try to define life ... only through the final results, but at the end ... i try to find the meaning at all those events ... what i call ... the message behind the message.
I understood that the meaning of life is to see all those lessons, the messages behind the lessons ... so that they will not be repeated anymore.
The desire of becoming a better soul, of being in a higher spiritual level ... will bring from the Universe more and more tests ... and you will be asked ... “Have you understood the lesson?!”.
Scared ... you will say ... “yes” ... but have you really understood the lesson?!

In many cases, just as the times when you were in school ... when you did not payed so much attention to the homework ... you will actually never be ready.
So .. what the Universe does?!
Just gives you more and more tests ... sometimes with the same subject ... and even if you will fail ... life will continue with more and more tests.
The meaning of all these?!
Well ... what is the meaning of school?!
Can we evolve spiritually just by reading books or going to church?!
No ... unfortunately is not that simple.
We need to understand the message ... that “life is an illusion” ..., and the lesson itself is hidden behind the illusion.
A friend once told me that she does not want anymore to play this game with the Universe, but you see ... depending of the meaning of this life ... sometimes you don’t really have the choice.
But sooner or later the tests will come anyway ... so there is no real option to not play the game of the life lessons with the Universe.
Life continues.
Other tests will appear in your life and you will need to experience them ... but always keep in mind that is only a life lesson ... and a message to see.
And also .... don’t forget!!!
Never be mad on the teacher ... all he really wants is your best.





Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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